Family Zanzara

Zanzara is the umbrella name for the circus-theatre Zanzara, acrobat group Hirondelles and streettheatre duo Paulo & Mayka. All our performances are made of passion and pleasure so that each and every time it results in an extraordinary celebration. On this website you will read all about the Zanzara family and our performances.



Apart from their contribution to Zanzara, Jans, Rik and Martijn form the acrobat group Hirondelles with the three of them. Together they perform the most spectacular shows!

Zanzara in tent

CircustheatrE zanzara

An essential part of Zanzara, circus-theatre Zanzara, has been a household word in the Netherlands and abroad for decades.


Paulo & mayka

Paulo and Mayka are the Papa and Mama (or rather Grandma and Grandpa) of Zanzara. Apart from the fact that they keep the whole circus going, they maintain their street theatre duo.
